All of our investigators are doing great! We have 3 people on date for baptism right now. Diente has a date for February 19th. He is a 22 year old kid. We taught him about the Plan of Salvation this week. He loved it! My mom sent me a Plan of Salvation puzzle for Christmas so that's been coming in handy recently. The next is Jimbo who has a baptism date for February 5th. He is still doing super well. He just has to quit smoking. However, he is determined to make it. The 3rd person we set a date with this week was perfect. Her name is Brandie. We have been teaching a less active family named the Spurlin's. They kept telling us of this friend they had for us to teach. Well we finally got to teach her. The very first lesson we had with Brandie she said she already knew this was true. She basically called herself a Mormon before she even started meeting with us. So to say the least she is super prepared. It's way cool because the Spurlin's bare testimony to her and teach her. In the process of helping Brandie get baptized in February 19th, we are reactivating the Spurlin's. The work here in Daytona is great! We committed Tekeam to a baptism date again this week. He is praying about it however, I am confident he will accept the invitation to be baptized.
Well other than our investigators not much else happened this week. We had a couple good exchanges and are seeing a lot of progress with all the missionaries in our zone. The Lord truly has his hand in this work. It's a privilege to be his instrument in bringing about such a marvelous work and wonder.
Hope you all have a great week and stay warm!
Elder Goff