On Tuesday I had to go give a few baptismal interviews. It was super cool because the family being baptized this week is on fire! They are the ones who came bowling with us last week. They will be in the Minneola Ward which is in the same building our ward goes to. While there we got to put our hand on the wall of missionaries. It was pretty cool, I'll attach the picture. Also on Tuesday we went back to that crazy German Lady I had a run in with last transfer. She is the one who chewed us out the first time but the second time after taking her cookies she was friendly. This time she was friendly and actually had a lot of questions. I don't know if we'll ever really start teaching her officially but it's a pretty cool experience.
Wednesday we went and taught the Milton family! They are still on fire! I love seeing those guys! Sister Milton who had a smoking problem hasn't had a cigarette in 3 days! She used to smoke 2 packs a day. The 3 of them are preparing for baptism on the 27 of next month.
We also are teaching a guy named Ray who lives there also. We plan to set a date with him this week as well as another guy named Brandon who lives there. It's such a cool experience! Unfortunately they didn't come to church Sunday though :(
On Thursday I went on exchanges with the Zone Leaders. Elder Crismon came here. We had a solid day! We had an investigator call us asking if we could bless houses because one of her friends houses has an evil spirit in it. We went over and they showed us a video of a random curtain moving even when the fan was off and all the doors and windows were closed. So I got to cast an evil spirit out of someone's home this week! It was super cool!
Not too much happened Friday but Saturday was eventful! We had a ward party in the morning to celebrate Pioneer Day. They had a bunch of pancakes so I stuffed myself. Then right after they talked me into doing a donut eating contest! After winning that I felt like I was going to pop! They then talked me into doing a jello eating contest. The worst part is that a 12 year old girl won! I lost!! I'm pretty sure I still have whip cream up my nose! Later that day Elder Bone, an Elder I used to play basketball with in Orlando who is super good, was in exchanges with some Elders in our district. We happened to be in the club house of our apartment complex at the same time while there was some kids playing basketball. So Elder Bone and I teamed up against them and kicked their butts! It was pretty sweet.
Anyways, not much else happened this week. I'm short on time so sorry for the boring email. A question someone asked me this week is "what miracles are you working for?" We need to constantly be working for miracles because when we work with the Lord on our side, anything is possible. Love all you guys!
Elder Goff